3 Parts Of Sentence - Subject, Verb and Object

Apr 21, 2023 - 14:17
Apr 29, 2023 - 23:17
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3 Parts Of Sentence - Subject, Verb and Object
3 Parts Of Sentence - Subject, Verb & Object

Parts Of Sentence -

Three Parts - Subject, Verb and Object

इस article में हम sentence के बारे में थोड़ा और जानेंगे 

In this article, we will know a little more about the sentence.

एक meaningful sentence कैसे बनता है या फिर हम ये भी बोल सकते है की sentence के कितने parts होते हैं-

How a meaningful sentence is made or we can also say that how many parts are there in the sentence.


Sentence के 3 पार्ट होते हैं। कर्ता, क्रिया और वस्तुएँ।Sentence has 3 parts. Subject, verb and object.

अब हम कर्ता, verb & object के बारे में detail में जानेंगे.

Now we will know about subject, verb & object in detail.


First Part Of Sentence:- Subject 


Subject हम हर उस चीज को कहते है जो काम करता है या जिसके बारे में हम बात करते हैं.

A subject is everything that works or about which we talk.


1) जॉन स्कूल जाता है।

तो यहां जॉन के बारे में बात हो रही है तो यहां पर जॉन कर्ता हुआ।

2) बेबे पत्र लिख रही है।

यहां बेबे काम कर रही है... कौन सा काम कर रही है - तो हमें ये दिखाई दे रहा है कि बेबे letter लिखने का काम कर रही है। इस्लीए बेबे वाक्य में subject है।.


एक short trick मैं आपको दे रही हु ...वो यह है कि verb के पहले जो भी word हो वो ज्यादातर subject ही होते हैं.

I am giving you a short trick…that is, whatever word comes before the verb, it is mostly the subject.


अब आपके practice के लिए नीचे बहुत सारे sentence दिए हुए है.....इसमें जो underlined word है वो subject है......आप इन सारे sentence को जब पढ़ोगे तो आप easily समझ जाओगे कि underlined word या तो काम कर रहा है या उसके बारे में बोला जा रहा है......

Now there are many sentences given below for your practice.....the underlined word in it is the subject......when you read all these sentences, you will easily understand that the underlined word can either work Is being or is being talked about......

Solved Questions For Practice 

  1. The cat slept on the windowsill.
  2. My sister baked a cake for my birthday.
  3. The trees swayed in the wind.
  4. The car honked its horn loudly.
  5. The children played in the park all day.
  6. The sun rose early in the morning.
  7. The teacher gave a lesson on grammar.
  8. The dog wagged its tail happily.
  9. The computer screen flickered before turning off.
  10. The airplane flew overhead, leaving a trail of smoke.
  11. I woke up early this morning feeling refreshed.
  12. We went to the beach and had a great time playing in the waves.
  13. I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by.
  14. We decided to try a new restaurant for dinner tonight.
  15. I am really proud of the work that we accomplished on this project.
  16. We need to start planning our next vacation soon.
  17. I am looking forward to spending time with my family this weekend.
  18. We both agreed that the movie was really good.
  19. I need to finish this report before the deadline tomorrow.
  20. We were both exhausted after hiking all day, but it was worth it for the beautiful views.
  21. You should try the new restaurant that just opened up - the food is amazing.
  22. Can you please pass me the salt and pepper?
  23. You did a great job on that project - your hard work really paid off.
  24. If you have any questions, you can always reach out to me for help.


( Do you want to come over to my place for dinner tonight?


वाक्य में "क्या आप आज रात के खाने के लिए मेरे स्थान पर आना चाहते हैं?", "मेरा" विषय नहीं है क्योंकि यह एक अधिकारवाचक सर्वनाम है जो संज्ञा "स्थान" का वर्णन करता है।

In the sentence "Do you want to come over to my place for dinner tonight?", "my" is not the subject because it is a possessive pronoun that describes the noun "place". 

वाक्य का विषय "आप" है, जो सर्वनाम है कि क्रिया "चाहता है" संदर्भित करता है। वाक्य उस व्यक्ति से पूछ रहा है जिसे संबोधित किया जा रहा है कि क्या वे रात के खाने के लिए आना चाहेंगे।

The subject of the sentence is "you", which is the pronoun that the verb "want" refers to. The sentence is asking the person being addressed if they would like to come over for dinner.) 


  • अब next article में हम जानेंगे की subject के कितने type होते हैं-

(Now in the next article we will know how many types of subjects are there-)

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