Second Person

Apr 26, 2023 - 19:43
Apr 29, 2023 - 22:45
 0  20
Second Person
First Person & Second Person

b) Second Person:- 

(You, your, yourself, yourselves)


  • when we not know our audience by their names then using second person pronoun allow us to address them.(जब हम अपने दर्शकों को उनके नाम से नहीं जानते हैं तो दूसरे व्यक्ति सर्वनाम का उपयोग करके हम उन्हें संबोधित कर सकते हैं।)

  • when the speaker is addressing the listener directly then the second person is used.(जब वक्ता सीधे श्रोता को संबोधित कर रहा होता है तो दूसरे व्यक्ति का प्रयोग किया जाता है।)

  • use of second person pronoun help us to stop repeating anyone's name. (दूसरे व्यक्ति सर्वनाम का उपयोग हमें किसी का नाम दोहराने से रोकने में मदद करता है।)

you is the second-person pronoun. It is grammatically plural.

Forms Of Second Person :- 

There are 3 (three) forms of second person -

a) Second Person "Singular or Plural":- "You"


1. You came to the main road of the town.

2. You can use these qualities and tell a story.

3. You are not everybody's cup of tea.

4. You are happy that your words have taken effect.

5. You can write the answers.

6. You had a forest service.

7. You can give them more land.

b) Second Person "Possessive":- "Your"

used to indicate ownership or possession by the speaker or group of speakers.

स्पीकर या वक्ताओं के समूह द्वारा स्वामित्व या कब्जे को इंगित करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है।


1. Your car was parked outside the building.

2. Your dog barked at every passing car.

3. Your phone rang incessantly throughout the day.

4. Your house was located in a quiet neighborhood.

5. Your children were playing in the park nearby.

6. Your laptop was running out of battery.

7. Your backpack was filled with textbooks and notebooks.

8. Your wedding anniversary was coming up soon.

9. Your parents were proud of her achievements.

10.Your favorite book was a classic novel.

c) Second Person "Reflexive":- 

*Yourself - Singular

*Yourselves - Plural 

when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same it is called a reflexive pronoun. In other words when the action of the verb is being performed by the subject on itself it is called a reflexive pronoun.

जब किसी वाक्य का कर्ता और वस्तु एक ही हो तो उसे निजवाचक सर्वनाम कहते हैं। दूसरे शब्दों में जब क्रिया की क्रिया कर्ता द्वारा स्वयं पर की जा रही हो तो उसे निजवाचक सर्वनाम कहते हैं।


*Yourself Sentence -

1. You reminded yourself to stay calm and composed during the interview.

2. You couldn't help but blame yourself for the failed project.

3. You needed to take some time for yourself after a long day at work.

4. You realized that you was talking to yourself when you was caught in deep thought.

5. You had to push yourself harder to achieve your fitness goals.

6. You didn't want to repeat the same mistake you had made to yourself before.

7. You challenged yourself to learn a new language by the end of the year.

8. You found yourself lost in the pages of the book you was reading.

9. You promised yourself to never give up on your dreams.

10. You congratulated yourself on completing the task ahead of schedule.

*Yourselves Sentence -

1. You reminded yourselves to stay calm and composed during the interview.

2. You couldn't help but blame yourselves for the failed project.

3. You needed to take some time for yourselves after a long day at work.

4. You had to push yourselves harder to achieve your fitness goals.

5. You didn't want to repeat the same mistake you had made to yourselves before.

6. You challenged yourselves to learn a new language by the end of the year.

7. You found yourselves lost in the pages of the book you was reading.

8. You promised yourselves to never give up on her dreams.

9. You congratulated yourselves on completing the task ahead of schedule.


In the next article we will study third part of a "subject" i.e, "third person."

अगले लेख में हम एक "विषय" के third part अर्थात "third person" का अध्ययन करेंगे।


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